Tarot – The Minor Arcana

Tarot Minor Arcana

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The Minor Arcana cards are categorized into four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Each suit corresponds to an element (Water, Earth, Air, and Fire), a season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter), a direction (West, North, East, and South), and a specific aspect of life (Emotions, Material Matters, Thoughts, and Intellects). Within each suit, there is a distinct overarching theme and significance that influences the individual cards.

Within every suit, there are a total of 14 cards, comprising of 10 numbered cards (Ace to Ten) and 4 court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King). The numbered cards represent diverse situations or stages of development associated with the suit’s theme. On the other hand, the court cards represent various personality types or facets of our own being that we may embody or encounter.

When interpreting the Tarot Minor Arcana cards during a reading, it is crucial to consider both their suit’s overall meaning and their unique individual meanings. For instance, the Ace of Cups symbolizes not only a fresh start in the realm of emotions but also presents an opportunity or potential for happiness, love, creativity, or spirituality. Similarly, the King of Wands embodies more than just a charismatic and confident leader; it signifies an individual who possesses passion, creativity, a thirst for adventure, and a visionary outlook.

The Minor Arcana cards are often overlooked or underestimated by some tarot readers who focus more on the Major Arcana cards. However, the Minor Arcana cards are equally important and powerful. They can reveal subtle details, hidden influences, practical advice, and personal insights that can help you navigate your life with more clarity and confidence.

The Four Tarot Suits of the Minor Arcana

Let’s take a closer look at each suit and each card of the Minor Arcana.

  • Cups: The suit of Cups is associated with the element of Water, the season of Spring, the direction of West, and the quality of Emotions. It represents our feelings, relationships, intimacy, and creativity. It also relates to our dreams, fantasies, and imagination. The Cups cards can indicate happiness, love, compassion, or fulfillment; or sadness, loneliness, heartbreak, or disappointment.
  • Pentacles: The suit of Pentacles is associated with the element of Earth, the season of Autumn, the direction of North, and the quality of Material Matters. It represents our physical world, our resources, our finances, and our work. It also relates to our health, well-being, and security. The Pentacles cards can indicate abundance, prosperity, stability, or growth; or lack, poverty, instability, or loss.
  • Swords: The suit of Swords is associated with the element of Air, the season of Winter, the direction of East, and the quality of Thoughts and Intellects. It represents our mind, our communication, our logic, and our truth. It also relates to our challenges, conflicts, and decisions. The Swords cards can indicate clarity, truth, justice, or wisdom; or confusion, lies, injustice, or ignorance.
  • Wands: The suit of Wands is associated with the element of Fire, the season of Summer, the direction of South, and the quality of Action and Energy. It represents our spirit, our passion, our motivation, and our purpose. It also relates to our creativity, adventure, and enthusiasm. The Wands cards can indicate inspiration, excitement, courage, or success; or boredom, frustration, fear, or failure.

To delve more into the details of each of the four suits klick the suits name

Table 1: The Four Suits of the Tarot Minor Arcana: Elements, Themes, and Keywords

WandsFireEnergy, passion, creativity, spiritInspiration, motivation, challenge, action, adventure, opportunity
CupsWaterEmotions, feelings, intuition, connectionHappiness, love, romance, friendship, family, healing
SwordsAirThoughts, words, actions, communicationClarity, wisdom, truth, justice, ethics, struggle, conflict
PentaclesEarthFinances, work, material possessions, stabilitySuccess, abundance, prosperity, growth, manifestation

The Numbered Cards of the Tarot Minor Arcana

Aces: The Cards of New Beginnings and Potential

As the first cards within each suit, the Aces embody the pure essence and potential of their respective elements. These cards symbolize the beginning of a new cycle or phase in your life’s journey. They present you with a gift or opportunity that can propel you towards achieving your goals.

The Aces radiate a positive and encouraging energy, inviting you to embrace the fresh energy and boundless possibilities that lie before you. They serve as reminders of the potential within you and the universe, urging you to take action and make choices that align with your true self and purpose.

While the Aces offer great promise, they also require you to take an active role in shaping your path. They prompt you to step forward with courage and determination, making decisions that resonate with your deepest aspirations. By seizing the gifts and opportunities presented by the Aces, you embark on a transformative journey, aligning yourself with your authentic desires and creating a foundation for future success.

Embrace the energy of the Aces as an invitation to embrace change, trust in your abilities, and venture into new territory. By embracing these opportunities and taking aligned action, you unlock the potential within you, setting the stage for growth, fulfillment, and the manifestation of your dreams.

Some keywords for the Aces are:

  • New Beginnings
  • Potential
  • Opportunity
  • Gift
  • Seed

Twos: The Cards of Balance and Choice

As the second cards within each suit, the Twos symbolize the concept of duality and polarity inherent in their respective elements. These cards highlight the need for balance and harmony in your life’s journey. They present you with choices or decisions that can significantly impact your future.

The Twos exude a neutral and challenging energy, urging you to carefully assess the options before you. They ask you to consider the pros and cons of each choice and reflect upon the potential consequences of your actions. These cards remind you of the importance of finding equilibrium and seeking harmony amidst contrasting forces.

Furthermore, the Twos encourage you to embrace cooperation and compromise when dealing with others who may hold different views or interests. They emphasize the value of collaboration and the potential for synergy that can arise when diverse perspectives come together.

Embrace the energy of the Twos as an invitation to find balance within yourself and navigate the choices and decisions before you with wisdom and discernment. By seeking harmony and cooperation, you can navigate challenges, make informed choices, and forge a path that aligns with your values and aspirations.

Some keywords for the Twos are:

  • Balance
  • Choice
  • Decision
  • Duality
  • Polarity

Threes: The Cards of Growth and Collaboration

As the third cards within each suit, the Threes embody the concept of expansion and multiplication associated with their respective elements. These cards symbolize the outcomes and results of your actions and choices. They suggest that you can benefit from collaborating with others who share your vision or goals.

The Threes radiate a positive and rewarding energy, signifying progress, success, and achievement in your endeavors. They serve as catalysts for growth and advancement, encouraging you to express yourself creatively and authentically. Furthermore, these cards inspire you to seek support from like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and assistance on your journey.

Embrace the energy of the Threes as you celebrate the fruits of your labor, acknowledge your accomplishments, and continue to strive for excellence. These cards remind you of the power of collaboration and the importance of surrounding yourself with individuals who share your passions and aspirations. Through collective efforts, you can reach new heights and experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and creative expression.

Some keywords for the Threes are:

  • Growth
  • Expansion
  • Multiplication
  • Results
  • Collaboration

Fours: The Cards of Stability and Security

As the fourth cards within each suit, the Fours embody the concept of structure and foundation associated with their respective elements. These cards symbolize the need for stability and security in your life’s journey. They suggest that you have reached a point where a solid groundwork has been established, allowing for a sense of balance and grounding.

The Fours radiate a positive and reassuring energy, indicating the presence of order, organization, and reliability in your affairs. They serve as reminders to embrace practicality, realism, and discipline in your approach to life. These cards highlight the importance of establishing a solid foundation upon which you can build and navigate your path. By embodying the qualities represented by the Fours, you create a stable and secure framework that allows for growth, success, and a sense of peace in your endeavors.

Some keywords for the Fours are:

  • Stability
  • Security
  • Structure
  • Foundation
  • Mastery

Fives: The Cards of Challenge and Change

The Fives are the fifth cards of each suit. They represent the disruption and conflict of their element. They show you the challenges and changes that you face or may face in your life. They also suggest that you need to adapt and overcome the difficulties that arise.

The Fives are usually negative and stressful cards that indicate struggle, loss, and hardship in your situation. They also warn you to be careful not to resist or avoid the inevitable changes that are happening or will happen.

Some keywords for the Fives are:

  • Challenge
  • Change
  • Disruption
  • Conflict
  • Struggle

Sixes: The Cards of Harmony and Success

As the sixth cards within each suit, the Sixes embody the concept of balance and harmony associated with their respective elements. These cards symbolize the rewards and benefits that you have received or may receive as a result of your efforts. They suggest that you have reached a state of equilibrium and satisfaction in your life’s journey.

The Sixes radiate a positive and pleasant energy, indicating happiness, joy, and fulfillment in your endeavors. They serve as reminders to appreciate and celebrate the abundance in your life. Furthermore, these cards inspire you to share your blessings, expressing gratitude to those who have supported and assisted you along the way. Embrace the energy of the Sixes as an invitation to cultivate a harmonious existence, finding contentment within yourself and extending kindness and generosity to others.

Some keywords for the Sixes are:

  • Harmony
  • Balance
  • Reward
  • Benefit
  • Happiness

Sevens: The Cards of Exploration and Discovery

As the seventh cards within each suit, the Sevens epitomize the spirit of curiosity and adventure associated with their respective elements. These cards symbolize the opportunities and possibilities that you have explored or may explore on your life’s journey. They suggest a deep thirst for knowledge and experience that propels you forward.

The Sevens exude a sense of positivity and excitement, signifying moments of discovery, learning, and personal growth in your pursuits. They encourage you to challenge yourself, expand your horizons, and actively seek new perspectives and insights. These cards serve as reminders to embrace the unknown, step outside your comfort zone, and embark on thrilling adventures. By engaging with the energy of the Sevens, you open yourself up to a world of opportunities, allowing curiosity to guide you towards profound discoveries and transformative experiences.

Some keywords for the Sevens are:

  • Exploration
  • Adventure
  • Opportunity
  • Possibility
  • Discovery

Eights: The Cards of Action and Movement

As the eighth cards within each suit, the Eights embody the essence of movement and change associated with their respective elements. These cards reflect the actions and decisions you have taken or may take in your life’s journey. They suggest that you possess a sense of direction and purpose that guides you along your path.

The Eights exude a positive and dynamic energy, signifying progress, movement, and transformative change within your situation. They serve as motivational forces, encouraging you to take charge, demonstrate initiative, and assume responsibility for your actions. These cards remind you of your ability to navigate through life’s challenges with determination and resilience. Embrace the energy of the Eights to propel yourself forward, embracing change, and making decisive choices that align with your aspirations and purpose.

Some keywords for the Eights are:

  • Action
  • Movement
  • Progress
  • Change
  • Direction

Nines: The Cards of Completion and Fulfillment

As the ninth cards within each suit, the Nines embody the themes of completion and fulfillment associated with their respective elements. These cards signify the attainment of results and outcomes that you have or may achieve in your life’s journey. They suggest that you have reached a state of completion and fulfillment in your endeavors.

The Nines exude a sense of positivity and satisfaction, representing achievements, success, and accomplishment in your pursuits. They serve as reminders to celebrate your hard-earned rewards and bask in the joy of your achievements. These cards encourage you to acknowledge and appreciate the fruits of your labor, recognizing the progress you have made and the goals you have attained. Embrace the energy of the Nines as a testament to your efforts and as a reminder to relish the fulfillment that comes with reaching significant milestones.

Some keywords for the Nines are:

  • Completion
  • Fulfillment
  • Result
  • Outcome
  • Achievement

Tens: The Cards of Completion and Transition

As the tenth cards within each suit, the Tens symbolize the themes of completion and transition inherent in their respective elements. These cards depict the endings and beginnings that are a natural part of life’s journey. They signify the culmination of a cycle and the anticipation of new experiences.

The Tens exude a sense of positivity and hopefulness, representing the attainment of completion, closure, and resolution within your situation. They mark a significant milestone, indicating that you have reached a state of fulfillment or transition in your life. Additionally, the presence of the Tens suggests the emergence of a new cycle, a fresh phase, or an exciting opportunity that awaits you. These cards embody the potential for growth and renewal as you embark on a new chapter.

Some keywords for the Tens are:

  • Completion
  • Transition
  • Ending
  • Beginning
  • Opportunity

The Tarot Court Cards of the Minor Arcana

Pages: The Cards of Learning and Curiosity

As the first court cards within each suit, the Pages embody the spirit of learning and curiosity associated with their respective elements. These youthful figures symbolize the potential and possibilities that lie within you or others. They signify individuals who possess a deep desire to learn, explore, discover, or create something new.

The Pages exude positivity and inspiration, indicating qualities of curiosity, enthusiasm, imagination, creativity, and potential within yourself or others. They serve as catalysts for growth and development, encouraging you to approach life with an open mind, playful spirit, and adventurous nature. By embracing the energy of the Pages, you are inspired to tap into your innate curiosity, explore new horizons, and approach situations with optimism and a fresh perspective.

Some keywords for the Pages are:

  • Learning
  • Curiosity
  • Potential
  • Possibility
  • Imagination

Knights: The Cards of Action and Adventure

As the second court cards within each suit, the Knights epitomize the spirit of action and adventure associated with their respective elements. These dynamic figures symbolize the energy and motivation that drives you or others forward. They signify individuals who have set goals, embraced missions, or taken on challenges with fervor.

The Knights exude positivity and dynamism, indicating qualities of action, adventure, movement, and change within yourself or others. They serve as a source of motivation, encouraging you to embody courage, confidence, passion, and determination. By channeling the energy of the Knights, you are inspired to fearlessly pursue your goals, embrace new experiences, and overcome obstacles along the way.

Some keywords for the Knights are:

  • Action
  • Adventure
  • Energy
  • Motivation
  • Courage

Queens: The Cards of Mastery and Expression

As the third court cards within each suit, the Queens epitomize mastery and expression of their respective elements. These influential figures symbolize the wisdom and power that you or others possess. They signify individuals who have honed their skills, talents, or gifts and actively express or share them with the world.

The Queens exude positivity and empowerment, indicating qualities of wisdom, power, mastery, expression, and influence within yourself or others. They inspire you to embody compassion, generosity, creativity, and authenticity. By channeling the energy of the Queens, you are encouraged to embrace your innate abilities and confidently share them with the world.

Some keywords for the Queens are:

  • Wisdom
  • Power
  • Mastery
  • Expression
  • Influence

Kings: The Cards of Leadership and Authority

The Kings serve as the ultimate court cards within each suit, embodying leadership and authority aligned with their respective elements. These regal figures symbolize the sense of responsibility and control that you or others possess. They signify individuals who exhibit qualities of vision, strategic planning, and the implementation of well-thought-out strategies.

As commanding and positive cards, the Kings often indicate qualities of responsibility, control, leadership, authority, and success in either yourself or others. Their presence advises you to approach situations with rationality, logic, and decisiveness. They encourage you to exude confidence and assertiveness in your endeavors.

Some keywords for the Kings are:

  • Responsibility
  • Control
  • Leadership
  • Authority
  • Success

How to Read the Minor Arcana Cards in a Tarot Reading

Now that you have acquired an understanding of the meaning and symbolism associated with each card of the Minor Arcana, you may be eager to discover how to effectively read and interpret them during a tarot reading. Here are some valuable tips and examples to assist you in deciphering the Minor Arcana cards within various contexts and combinations.

  1. Begin by considering the question or situation presented by yourself or the querent. Identify the specific aspect of life it relates to, such as love, finances, work, health, or any other relevant area. This initial focus will help you narrow down the potential meanings of each card.
  2. Pay close attention to the suit of each card and its corresponding element. Reflect upon how it connects to the question or situation at hand. For instance, if you are inquiring about your career and draw several Pentacles cards, it indicates that your career is influenced by factors like financial stability, work ethic, skills, and material aspirations. Conversely, a prevalence of Cups cards suggests that your career is influenced by emotions, relationships, intuition, and creative expression.
  3. Examine the numerical value of each card and consider the stage or phase it represents. Relate these numerical associations to the question or situation. For instance, if you are seeking insight into your love life and draw multiple Aces, it signifies a period filled with new beginnings, potential, and exciting opportunities. Conversely, an abundance of Tens indicates the conclusion of a cycle, transitions, and transformative changes in your romantic life.
  4. Explore the court cards and their representation of different personalities or roles. Analyze how they align with the question or situation at hand. For instance, if you are focusing on your health and draw several Pages, it suggests that your well-being is influenced by your curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and untapped potential. Conversely, a prevalence of Kings indicates that your health is impacted by qualities such as responsibility, authority, and effective leadership.
  5. Pay close attention to the imagery and symbolism depicted on each card. Uncover the messages and stories they convey and consider their relevance to the question or situation. For instance, if you are exploring your spiritual path and draw the Eight of Wands, it signifies a journey characterized by action, forward momentum, and significant progress. You may find yourself engaged in exploration, travel, or self-discovery, learning new facets about yourself and the world. Conversely, drawing the Five of Cups indicates a spiritual path marked by challenges, transformation, and the experience of loss. You may be grappling with grief, regret, or disappointment regarding past events or missed opportunities.
  6. Analyze the combination and interaction between multiple cards. Observe how they complement or contrast each other, and the impact they exert on one another. For example, if you are seeking insight into your future and draw both the Three of Pentacles and the Wheel of Fortune, it suggests that your future holds growth, collaborative endeavors, and eventual success. You may find yourself working alongside others who share your vision or goals, culminating in remarkable achievements. However, you may also encounter unexpected changes or twists of fate that present both challenges and rewards. Adaptability and flexibility will be necessary to navigate these shifting circumstances.
  7. Remember to rely on your intuition and common sense throughout the interpretation process. There is no definitive or absolute meaning assigned to each card. Their significance varies depending on the context, the situation, and the individual involved. It is not uncommon to come across differing interpretations of the same card from various sources or guides. Furthermore, the same card may hold different meanings in separate readings. The most effective way to read the cards is to trust your intuition and exercise your common sense. Listen to your inner voice, remain attuned to your emotions and thoughts, and employ the cards as a guiding tool rather than an inflexible rule.

By incorporating these strategies into your tarot readings, you will enhance your ability to interpret the Minor Arcana cards effectively, unlocking deeper insights and meaningful guidance. Trust your intuition, embrace your unique perspective, and allow the cards to illuminate your path.


The Minor Arcana cards play a vital role within the tarot deck as they represent the everyday aspects of life and the specific circumstances or future events one may encounter. These cards offer insights into how our actions, thoughts, feelings, and choices shape our life’s path.

Comprising of four suits, each suit within the Minor Arcana consists of 14 cards. Every suit carries its distinct element, theme, and energy. Furthermore, each suit encompasses 10 numbered cards along with four court cards. While each card holds its unique significance, they collectively weave a narrative when examined together.

When conducting a tarot reading with the Minor Arcana cards, it’s important to take into account the question or situation at hand, the suit, number, imagery, and symbolism of each card, as well as the interactions and combinations among the cards. Additionally, trusting your intuition and applying common sense are valuable tools for interpreting the cards effectively.

I trust that this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of the meaning and significance of the Minor Arcana cards in the tarot deck. Should you wish to deepen your knowledge or seek a personal reading from me, please visit my website or reach out to me via email or social media. I’m eager to assist you on your tarot journey.

Thank you for reading and happy tarot-ing!


What is the difference between the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana Tarot cards?

The Major Arcana cards represent more significant, spiritual, and universal themes. They show you the key life lessons that you are learning or need to learn. The Minor Arcana cards represent more mundane, practical, and specific themes. They show you the key situations that you are dealing with or may deal with in your life.

How many Minor Arcana cards are there in a tarot deck?

There are 56 Minor Arcana cards in a tarot deck, divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit has 14 cards: 10 numbered cards (from Ace to Ten) and four court cards (Page, Knight, Queen, and King).

What do the elements of each suit mean?

The elements of each suit represent different aspects of life and personality. Wands are associated with fire, which represents energy, passion, creativity, and spirit. Cups are associated with water, which represents emotions, feelings, intuition, and connection. Swords are associated with air, which represents thoughts, words, actions, and communication. Pentacles are associated with earth, which represents finances, work, material possessions, and stability.

How do I know which suit or card is more relevant or important in a tarot reading?

There is no definitive answer to this question. It depends on the context, the situation, and the person. However, some general guidelines are:
If a suit or card appears more frequently than others in a reading, it means that it has more influence or significance in your life.
If a suit or card appears in a prominent position in a spread, such as the outcome or advice card, it means that it has more impact or relevance in your situation.
If a suit or card resonates more strongly with you than others in a reading, it means that it has more meaning or message for you.

How can I improve my skills in reading the Minor Arcana cards?

The best way to improve your skills in reading the Minor Arcana cards is to practice regularly and learn from different sources. You can practice by doing daily readings for yourself or others, using different spreads and decks.
You can learn from different sources by reading books, articles, blogs, or podcasts about tarot, or by taking courses, workshops, or classes from experienced tarot readers.
You can also join online or offline tarot communities where you can share your insights, questions, and feedback with other tarot enthusiasts.

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Tarot – The Minor Arcana


About Ethan Rivers

Ethan Rivers of tarotpulse.com
I'm Ethan Rivers, and I'm delighted to be your guide on this incredible journey into the realm of tarot cards. Welcome to my tarot card blog!Tarot has been my faithful companion throughout my personal transformation. It has unlocked doors to self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth that I never knew existed. Now, I'm passionate about sharing the magic of tarot with you through this blog.Join me as we dive deep into the captivating symbolism of each tarot card. Together, we'll decode their hidden meanings, unravel the intricate tapestry of the tarot spreads, and tap into the profound wisdom they hold.

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The information provided on this website regarding Tarot cards and their interpretations is for entertainment and personal growth purposes only. Tarot cards do not possess the ability to predict the future with certainty, as the future is influenced by numerous factors and individual choices. It is important to understand that the Tarot is a tool for self-reflection, insight, and guidance, but it should not be regarded as an authoritative source or a substitute for professional advice. The ultimate power lies within each individual to shape their own future. The cards simply serve as a guide, offering perspectives and potential outcomes. It is essential to exercise personal responsibility, critical thinking, and free will in making decisions that align with one’s own values and desires. We strongly encourage you to use the information provided here as a source of inspiration and reflection, but always trust your own judgment and seek advice from qualified professionals when needed. Remember, you are the author of your own life, and the Tarot is a tool to support your journey.

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